Basic Health Science Department/HIT/ was opened in 2002 E.C at the first time, in Debre Birhan health college with 50 students based on the Amhara regional health bureau to meet complete data handling purpose in different the health facilities.
The primary objective of Basic Health Science Department /HIT is to deliver the quality of education and how to handle complete data and avail in the health system level, research and service in Debre Birhan health Science College. Moreover, The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) introduced the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP), which focused on addressing quality and equitable distribution of health service delivery for all. One of the four transformation agendas in the current HSTP is the Information Revolution. It refers to the phenomenal advancement in the methods and practice of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and disseminating information that can influence decisions in the process of transforming economic and social sectors.
An accurate and complete health record has value: to the patient , health facilities, the doctor and other health professionals , research, statistics, disease & service reports and teaching and patient billing. If we strengthening this department we can produce competent trainees professionals and accurate ans complete health records.
Basic health science department has qualified computer demonstration room which is served for day and night for students and training purpose.
I am sure we will start affiliation program with this department as a long term in the near future.